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Matt Levett
Blessings Spoken Word: Text
The Lord bless you
may his peace flood down and rest on you
in this tent, throughout the festival
God would your presence be so tangible
that every aching heart feels it
and every searching soul finds it
that the struggles of the present day
are a shadow of the hope on the horizon
And it excites me, God, to think of the people hearing this today
from those waking up in the camping field to here at the udder stage
I know some here will have sang along, with their arms firmly raised
and some may have struggled to get the words out, Lord would you bless that seed of faith
Oh how God has blessed this town with such scenery its immense
perfectly placed between the fields and open seas, theres no shortage of insecurities
But theres power in the community that prevails
and there's power in your name, Jesus, so would you light us up in this dark world
And in your presence Lord would they find worth, where their searching has left them empty
and in your freedom Lord would they find joy, when their heart is feeling heavy
and in the storm of life would they hear your voice as you whisper to us gently
and as we sing amen, with one voice, would you pour out your blessings.
Blessings Spoken Word: Text
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